Wednesday, August 14, 2013

AncestorEbooks Remembers the Atomic Bomb

AncestorEbooks in remembering the Atomic Bomb grieves for all involved; for those who carried the weight of the decision to use an atomic bomb to their grave and those who were never able to give their loved ones proper grave. “The reasons and justifications for using such a terrible weapon continue to be studied,” states Cristina Besendorfer, owner of “Which ever side of the argument a person stands, these experiences need to be preserved and are the reason AncestorEbooks exists today. The historic facts presented here are just that, facts to remind the world of how devastating war is.”

On 6 August 1945 the American B-29 Bomber, the Enola Gay, deployed the first ever atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. The bomb exploded 2,000 feet above the city. The bomb, the equivalent to 12,000-15,000 tons of TNT, destroyed five square miles of Hiroshima and immediately killed 80,000 people.

Hiroshima along with 5,700 cities that comprise "Mayors for Peace" are committed to the abolishment of nuclear weapons by 2020. [] The Hiroshima Peace Museum has a Peace Watch Tower. This tower's clock does not keep track of time. The first number on the clock represents the number of days since the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, the next panel indicates the number of days since the last nuclear test was conducted. []  The last time clock was reset was to protest the underground nuclear test conducted by North Korea on February 12.

"Perhaps it is those who experience the worst tragedies will understand to what extent love and tolerance matters in life," continues Mrs. Mendenhall. "Those stories, whether they are of massive historical scale or a more personal tragedy need to be shared with future generations. Come to and tell the stories; let the next generations learn from the suffering and triumphs of their ancestors."