Wednesday, August 21, 2013

AncestorEbooks Introduces the 2013 Federation of Genealogical Societies Conference's Most Noteworthy Speakers

AncestorEbooks introduces a few of the speakers for "The Federation of Genealogical Societies' 2013 Conference" being held in Fort Wayne, IN from August 21 - 24, where, ‘Anyone with an interest in family history is invited.’ [] Allen County Genealogical Society of Indiana and Allen County Public Library are the hosts for this event. []
This year's theme, "journey.through.generations", is being sponsored by and There are classes available to appeal to a wide variety of participants. []
There will be several featured speakers such as Kris Rzepczynski who is the Senior Archivist at Archives of Michigan and Elain Kuhn, Kentucky History Services Coordinator from Kenton County Public Library. Rzepczynski will be speaking about "Collaboration is Not Just a Buzz Word: Building and Preserving Your Collections" while Ms. Kuhn will be speaking on the topic of "Working with Local Organizations and Their Records." []
The special guest presenter, Cyndi Ingle Howells, is the creator of the well known Cyndi's List website, which has provided links to genealogical resources for over fifteen years. Howells will be speaking about making sure a society's website has a strong presence online for members and prospective new members. []
The Keynote Speaker, Richard Aquila, is a professor of history specializing in US social and cultural history, in particular the American West, American Indians, popular culture, and recent America. Mr. Aquila topics will be "Happy Birthday, Sweet Sixty: The Roots of Rock & Roll and 1950s America." Elvis Presley, swaying his hips, Jerry Lee Lewis playing the piano, Little Richard Screaming and Shouting, and other stories that photographs just don't do justice.
"A diverse conference program offers genealogists of all levels an opportunity to learn from some of the nation's leading genealogists and local subject experts," writes D. Joshua Taylor, FGS President. "Add social activities and a bustling exhibit hall, and the FGS Conference is the place to be for genealogists in August 2013. For those eager to research, ACPL [Allen County Public Library] holds one of the nation's largest genealogical research collections and includes a dedicated staff ready to help you tackle your family tree."
Gayla Mendenhall of says, "Conferences and gatherings such as the Federation of Genealogical Societies' 2013 Conference are invaluable for learning and sharing ideas. The ways we share genealogical material can often be improved by using new technologies, and the more we share, the better our results will be. We here at AncestorEbooks are committed to sharing ideas, information, and stories."