Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Are you ready?

Preparation for creating an eBook on

1.    Check your family tree for duplicates. Duplicate names and families can prevent the Hierarchy from being accurate.
2.    Download a Gedcom file from either, Family (A Gedcom is an acronym for GEnealogical Data COMmunications.)
3.    Gather stories about each person in your family. Use a Word program to write short paragraphs (50-150 characters each) to allow you to copy and paste them into their corresponding page.
4.    Gather your images, videos, audios, and documents so you can drag and drop them into your Media Library. (The more direct way of browsing your computer for the information is available but takes a bit more time.)
5.    Register onto and you can have your first eBook built with your complementary 24-hour subscription.
6.    Have the email addresses of those who are to receive your first eBook. Each eBook download is a thrifty $6.95 each.
7.    Congratulations, now that you have downloaded your images and media it's time to  create another eBook! One for each son or daughter, another for your school reunion, then there are return missionaries, graduations, birthdays, anniversaries, the possibilities are endless!