Saturday, July 23, 2011

Native American Heritage

The Battle of Little Bighorn, The Trail of Tears, The Wounded Knee Massacre.  These remind us of what the Native Americans went through while trying to maintain their way of life in a North America during the influx of people from around the world that believed in Manifest Destiny... that one day the country would stretch across the entire continent.  Eventually it did stretch from ocean to ocean, but such change does not happen with grace and dignity. 
The "Indians" were considered "savages", even those from peaceful tribes.  As time went by these "savages" were given land and promises, but when it suited those in power, it was taken away again.  As a result of negotiations the Government and the Five Civilized Tribes came together in agreement; in return for recognizing Federal laws and abolishing the tribal governments, each person was given a land settlement.  The members who met the eligibility requirements are listed on the Final Rolls of Citizens and Freedmen of the Five Civilized Tribes in Indian Territory or more commonly called the Dawes Roll.

Copies of the Dawes Roll can be viewed at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City or in local Family History Centers, and National and Regional Archive Centers. You can also access the Dawes Roll at the National Archives website ( if you wish to view just the digitized version. Happy Hunting!