When you put together your family history how much is simply good old facts and a few pictures? Have you taken the time to collect the many stories that bring depth and breadth to a history?
My grandmother use to tell stories about life in an Oklahoma dugout. Mom, Dad, Aunt Alice and eight kids plus a bachelor from the next 360 acre plot slept in a dugout that was only 10' wide and 12' long, and part of those extra 2 feet were taken up by hearth.
Two of her siblings were born in that dugout and the bachelor slept under the table because in the badlands of Oklahoma it wasn't safe for a single man to live alone. They tried for 3 years to make a go of it on those plains but it was simply too dry to farm most years. Eventually they moved to Southern Texas, which is another story...
Don't forget the history, neighbors, stories, times and where the bodies are buried! That's what makes history worth reading! That's what will bring your genealogy to life for your children!
Genealogy is a LIVING Family History