Many people have searched in vain for ancestors records in foreign countries. In many foreign countries, it is considered rude to turn down a request for assistance, but at the same time, there may not be time or the resources needed to answer that call for help. What do they do? They give them the polite answer such as "the records were burned during the war" or "the records disappeared during a move from one building to another".
There are several ways to get the records you desire if the workers just don't have time to do it for you. First, you could plan a vacation to your "home country." Discover the land your ancestors came from. Second, you could ask for help on a mail list or forum. A lot of times, these forums are world wide, and there may be people in that area who could get the information for you.
Lastly, you could contact the Angel Network. They have volunteers around the world who are willing to go in and request or retrieve the records you desire. It never hurts to double check to see if the records truly are unavailable, as they may be in Prussia, so don't just sign off the search, dig, dig, dig!