Thursday, November 17, 2011

Remembering My Grandma

When you put together your family history how much is simply good old facts and a few pictures? Have you taken the time to collect the many stories that bring depth and breadth to a history?
My grandmother use to tell stories about life in an Oklahoma dugout. Mom, Dad, Aunt Alice and eight kids plus a bachelor from the next 360 acre plot slept in a dugout that was only 10' wide and 12' long, and part of those extra 2 feet were taken up by hearth.
Two of her siblings were born in that dugout and the bachelor slept under the table because in the badlands of Oklahoma it wasn't safe for a single man to live alone. They tried for 3 years to make a go of it on those plains but it was simply too dry to farm most years. Eventually they moved to Southern Texas, which is another story...
Don't forget the history, neighbors, stories, times and where the bodies are buried! That's what makes history worth reading! That's what will bring your genealogy to life for your children!

Genealogy is a LIVING Family History


Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Records Were Burned

Many people have searched in vain for ancestors records in foreign countries. In many foreign countries, it is considered rude to turn down a request for assistance, but at the same time, there may not be time or the resources needed to answer that call for help. What do they do? They give them the polite answer such as "the records were burned during the war" or "the records disappeared during a move from one building to another".

There are several ways to get the records you desire if the workers just don't have time to do it for you. First, you could plan a vacation to your "home country." Discover the land your ancestors came from. Second, you could ask for help on a mail list or forum. A lot of times, these forums are world wide, and there may be people in that area who could get the information for you.

Lastly, you could contact the Angel Network. They have volunteers around the world who are willing to go in and request or retrieve the records you desire. It never hurts to double check to see if the records truly are unavailable, as they may be in Prussia, so don't just sign off the search, dig, dig, dig!

Veterans' Day

We're all busy and enjoy being free and going about our lives. Many times we don't take the opportunities to remember holidays that many consider insignificant lately. November 11 began as Armistice Day, but a resolution passed in 1926 that made it an official Federal holiday, Veterans' Day.

Veterans Day is a chance to remember those who fought in around the world from World War I to the current war in Afghanistan. Take a moment to say a prayer, to bless our past and current soldiers who have fought for the United States. We should be grateful, honored and expressive of our great country which holds personal freedom so dear and the men and women who fought, died and survived to allow us the freedom to write our feelings and read them. We are blessed.

Hug your nearest soldier today!
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Friday, November 11, 2011

The Gregorian Calendar

The Gregorian Calendar was not introduced until September of 1752.  Until that time Great Britain celebrated the new year on March 25.  If you are searching through records prior to 1752, remember the years may not correspond correctly.  

For example, if your great great great great grandmother was born in Great Britain in February of 1740. She was truly born in the year 1740 according to their calendar, but according to today's calendar, she would have been born in 1741.  

Is this super important?  Not necessarily, but this information may come in handy if you are having trouble locating a relatives baptism documents and birth records.


We love it when we hear from our readers.  What kind of information about genealogy interests you? Are there any road blocks you are dealing with?  Do you want more helpful hints on researching ancestors in different countries or more "this day in history" or information on how to preserve artifacts such as historical documents, pictures, and videos?  

Or are you pleased with what we've been doing?  Just leave a comment and tell us what you'd like to see?

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Genealogy Websites for Kids

Family Tree Magazine online has launched a website for kids!  It gives kids a chance to build their own family tree, be a family detective, and even has a section for teachers and parents.  Give it a try at  I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how involved it is.  And to tell the truth, it's not a bad website to use for beginners even if they aren't children!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

October 31, 1517

Sorry that this wasn't posted earlier in the week, let's just say internet issues were at fault.  GM

On this date in 1517, Martin Luther nailed a piece of paper to the doors of a Catholic Church that began the Protestant Reformation.  This was one of the first steps towards religious freedom.  The Catholic Church tried to change Martin Luther's stance, but they were ultimately unsuccessful.

This one decision by one individual can have a domino effect.  The call for Catholic Reformation ultimately inspired our Four Fathers to guarantee Freedom of Religion in our Constitution.  How different would life be if our ancestors had allowed the status quo to remain instead of changing life for the better.

Keeping Genealogy Free

There are absolutely times that paid genealogy websites are worth the money.  But if you have to be careful of your budgeting and what you can spend money on, there is no need to pay a fortune for genealogy memberships.  
Find your local Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint Stake Family History Center and find out what their hours are.  You can use for free there and you do not even need to be a member of the church to use their history centers.  Another great site is  Their whole purpose is to keep genealogy research FREE!  Who doesn't love free?