There has been an interest in how or what to ask when speaking to a relative. Here are some suggestions;
1. What was your profession and how did you choose it?
2. How did you meet your spouse?
3. How did you spend your holidays?
4. How did you choose the name of your children?
5. Did you participate in any school activities?
6. What were the fads when you were growing up? Hairstyles? Music? Dancing?
7. Are their any physical characteristics that have been passed down?
8. What are the full names of your siblings?
9. What chores were you expected to do growing up; what was your first chore?
10. What would you like future generations, your descendents, to know about you?
11. Did your family have a tradition such as a 4th of July picnic or a yearly family trip?
Family history isn't just about names and dates. It's about getting to know where we came from. Events that shaped who our parents were and how they parented. Find out what was important to them and what they did for fun. What they did for fun growing up and the places they lived.
Discovering why your family has a tradition different from other families or what makes your family extra special will be a treasure you will pass down to future generations. So, don't be afraid to ask, just be respectful.