Have you ever thought of the schools your parents and grand or great grand parents attended? Where were they? Are there any records or certificates? Well if you click here-http://data.genealogytoday.com/contents/Graduation_Lists.html you will come to an alphabetized Table of Contents for graduations from the late 1800s and early 1900s.
It must have taken quite of bit of time and effort to compile and index this list that stretches from Abington, Indiana to the Young Ladies Institute Commencement of New York. If you are curious and happen to know what school your parents etc went to school you might take a look. Or, if you are just curious about what happened in 1925 go to -http://genealogyfinds.com/documents/arkcity.htm. Here they have the Arkansas City, Kansas 1925 Graduation Program with a list of the graduates and Honor Graduates.
Take a look at http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/about/civilrights/NRCS1890NationalScholarsProgram.html it will boggle your mind!