Hello dear friends and followers, I could spend an hour writing excuses for not continuing to keep this blog up to date and informative, but the truth is, I have been pouting since my website, AncestorEbooks.com, was hacked by someone in Spain wanting to sell illegally and decided using my website was a great idea... I'm still angry/sad/disgusted, but it's time to grow up and as my little Sister would say... "Put on your big girl panties and get over it!" So, here is some information you might enjoy knowing...
During January, the Family History Library at your local Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Church, has been hosting a number of free online family history classes. Although it's too late for most of the research classes, January 26-30 there will be a webinar twice daily, starting at 11am and 1pm on English Research. All you need to do to enter as a guest is type in your name and click the "Enter Room" button. EasyPeasy as they used to say!
Also, on January 29th: a hour long Danish Emigration Class will be held at 7pm. Just click the link for more information.
Then, on February 5th at 7pm a webinar on Danish Resources will be held on FamilySearch.org...I'll bring more information to you later, right here on my blog. Promise! So, don't waste any more of your time playing Facebook games and searching for trivia...get doing your family history today~