AncestorEbooks, the original online company dedicated to the creation of personalized eBooks through the use of videos, mp3s, pictures, and documents, announces the 9th Genetic Genealogy Conference from November 9-10. []
The Genetic Genealogy Conference will hold morning lectures available to participants include the following: "DNA Identifiability & Obligations to Biological Relatives in Genetic Genealogy", "Bridging Social Media and DNA", “Am I My Brother's Keeper?” & technical information such as an Engineering Update, IT Roadmap, Gene 2.0 Update and Y-2014 Tree.
The conference fee is $139 per person with Administrators being allowed to bring 1 guest, who must also register and pay the tuition. Check in time is Friday Evening, November 8, at the Sheraton North Houston Hotel near the George Bush Intercontinental Airport.
Several Breakout Group Sessions, over the two days, will cover various topics including "Jewish Autosomal", "Finding an Indian Princess" and "What Can a Genealogist Use from DNA".
Roundtable Discussions will be held each afternoon, where participants can choose from discussions of Autosomal DNA, atDNA Projects, Advanced DNA Tools, mtDNA or the Y-DNA SNPs.
"With the increase of genealogists and family historians choosing to research the familial DNA & what that means for family history, this DNA conference will be very interesting to the technically and scientifically minded," says Gayla Mendenhall of "This conference might give you an idea of a new direction to take your family history, or what your family's DNA could mean for you."