Tuesday, November 12, 2013

AncestorEbooks Announces the 2013 Eastern European Research Workshop November 12, 2013

AncestorEbooks, your online source for the creation of personalized family E-books using your Family Trees, photos, documents, mp3s, and videos, announces the upcoming 2013 Eastern European Research Workshop in Salt Lake City, UT from November 12-November 15. This workshop features the theme, "Finding Your Immigrant Ancestor” with instructors specializing in Central and Eastern European immigrant research. [feefhsworkshop.org/]
The East European Research Workshop will be open for registration on Tuesday, November 12, 2013, from 1-2:45 pm, at the Beautiful Plaza Hotel, at Temple Square and features a get acquainted “Family History Library Orientation & Tour” from 2pm to 4 pm.
Wednesday & Thursday mornings, November 13 & 14, there will be 1 hour classes, such as Joe Everett’s class entitled, "The How, What, and Why of Immigrant Research -- Methodology Overview Part I & II" and "Geographical Tools, Part I & Part II", while the afternoons will be dedicated to Lab Time in the Family History Center and Individual Consultations.
Friday, the final day of this intense workshop will be dedicated to individual case studies and teaching Research Skills. Followed by a closing dinner with Milan Pohontsch, at 6pm, who will be giving a speech entitled "Chasing the Elusive Ancestor."[feefhsworkshop.org/fall-schedule/]
This year's presenters include an amazing team of experts in genealogy, including Kyle Betit, a professional genealogist, lecturer and author who works at the ProGenealogist.
Thomas K. Edlund, the president of FEEFHS and has specialized in East European languages and manuscripts, and has authored several books. Mr Edlund is a professor of family and local history at Brigham Young University where he teaches about East European genealogy.
Joe Everett, a genealogist at FamilySearch, currently manages an International Team of Research Consultants at the Family History Library. Baerbel Johnson, AG, holds degrees in both sociology and Family and Local History Studies. Born in Frankfurt, Germany, she is presently a reference consultant on the International floor of the Family History Library.
Kahlile B. Mehr has 25 years of experience at the Family History Library as well as experience in archive research throughout Europe. Finally, Mr. Pohontsch is the owner of European Roots Genealogy. Mr Pohontsch specializes in German and Eastern research, with an emphasis on translating old, handwritten records, is Wendish and grew up in Germany and presently works for the Brigham Young University.
Cristina Besendorfer, and Gayla Mendenhall, of AncestorEbooks, agree that, "This is an incredible line-up of researchers who are well versed in the discovery of ancestors who immigrated from Eastern European countries."
Mrs. Besendorfer & Mendenhall continue, "With the added benefit of extra time in the Computer Lab and the time to sign up for personal consultations, we are sure you will want to take the opportunity to learn more about your ancestors who have immigrated from the history rich European nations. Then we hope you will bring your research treasures to AncestorEbooks.com and enjoy creating your own personalized E-books to share the stories you discovered with your family members."

Friday, November 8, 2013

AncestorEbooks Announces the 9th Genetic Genealogy Conference for Family Tree DNA Group Administrators

AncestorEbooks, the original online company dedicated to the creation of personalized eBooks through the use of videos, mp3s, pictures, and documents, announces the 9th Genetic Genealogy Conference from November 9-10. [bit.ly/1cEKoLw]

The Genetic Genealogy Conference will hold morning lectures available to participants include the following: "DNA Identifiability & Obligations to Biological Relatives in Genetic Genealogy", "Bridging Social Media and DNA", “Am I My Brother's Keeper?” & technical information such as an Engineering Update, IT Roadmap, Gene 2.0 Update and Y-2014 Tree.
The conference fee is $139 per person with Administrators being allowed to bring 1 guest, who must also register and pay the tuition. Check in time is Friday Evening, November 8, at the Sheraton North Houston Hotel near the George Bush Intercontinental Airport.
Several Breakout Group Sessions, over the two days, will cover various topics including "Jewish Autosomal", "Finding an Indian Princess" and "What Can a Genealogist Use from DNA".
Roundtable Discussions will be held each afternoon, where participants can choose from discussions of Autosomal DNA, atDNA Projects, Advanced DNA Tools, mtDNA or the Y-DNA SNPs.
"With the increase of genealogists and family historians choosing to research the familial DNA & what that means for family history, this DNA conference will be very interesting to the technically and scientifically minded," says Gayla Mendenhall of AncestorEbooks.com. "This conference might give you an idea of a new direction to take your family history, or what your family's DNA could mean for you."

AncestorEbooks Announces the Annual Lake County Genealogical Society Workshop

AncestorEbooks, the online company dedicated to the creative development of personal eBooks using your own family history videos, mp3s, pictures, and documents, announces the Annual Lake County, Illinois Genealogical Society's workshop entitled 'From Grandma's Place to Cyberspace'.

‘From Grandma's Place to Cyberspace’, the 21st Annual Genealogical Workshop for the Lake County Genealogical Society, begins at 8am and is located at the Round Lake Beach Cultural & Civic Center in Round Lake Beach, on Hook Drive. Directions are on the Registration Handout. [bit.ly/1iNa7if]
Cyndi Ingle Howells, genealogist & founder of CyndisList.com and Ginger Frere, a professional genealogist, are the two well-known genealogists who will be presenting different lectures throughout the day. [bit.ly/1iNa7if]
Cyndi Ingle Howells developed CyndisList over 17 years ago, as a free online source for genealogical links in a categorized and cross-referenced index. This list of genealogical resources is a great starting page to genealogical research.
Ms. Howells tells about the start of her page, "The list began as a project for my local genealogical society in order to help our members find resources online. I want to make it easy for all researchers to find online resources for the genealogical research." [bit.ly/1bbOunN]
Topics that Ms. Howells will cover at the Lake County Genealogical Society's workshop will include, Evaluating Websites: 13 Years Later, A Guided Tour of Cyndi's List 2.0, Evernote for Every Genealogist, and Advanced Googling for Your Grandma.
Ginger Frere is a professional genealogist and the local history Reference Librarian at The Newberry Library in Chicago, IL & co-director of the ChicagoAncestors.org website. [bit.ly/ApKn]
Ms. Frere will be speaking about variety of subjects such as Researching Pre-fire Chicago and Where Did Grandpa Go? Ms. Frere will also teach about Using Maps to Solve Genealogical Problems, and Mining the National Archives.
Gayla Mendenhall of AncestorEbooks says, "This workshop is very heavy on internet research helps, which is a great help for budding genealogists. Cyndi Ingle Howells is an incredible genealogist who has created a website that will help novice and experienced genealogists alike to break through brick walls and other genealogical problems."
"We, at AncestorEbooks.com, encourage you to research your family history, and then use that information to create your own personalized eBooks to share with your family members," continues Mrs. Mendenhall, "It is really exciting to be able to share the stories you have gathered about your ancestors with others."

Saturday, November 2, 2013

J M Hughes tongue in cheek

When twilight shadows softly fall,
   And darkness hovers near,
Then Willis cranks his Chevrolet,
   And sets the clutch in high.

Then South two miles without a halt,
   He turns her to the West,
Each mile his heart goes pitty-patt
   For the girl that he loves best

Ere long the miles are left behind,
   The GOAL seems very near,
He honks his horn in boyish glee,
   For his sweetheart to appear.

Alas, the house is dark and still,
   There's not a soul in sight,
His heart begins to palpitate,
   The mist obscure his sight.

There must be something wrong, says he,
   I'm sure this is my date,
I'll honk again a time or two,
   And then investigate.

HONK, HONK, honk honk, still no response,
   Oh, what can be the matter
His temperature began to drop
   His teeth began to chatter.

He hastened up the gravel walk,
   Until he reached the door,
And then he knocked incessantly,
   Until his fist were sore.

He saw a note tacked onto he door,
   And this is what he read,
We'll not be home tonight, sweetheart,
   Go home, and go to bed.

J M Hughes, Lamar, Missouri abt 1950

How will you pass your Grandparent's treasures down from generation to generation? We us Ebooks created at AncestorEbooks.com You can too!