is honored to announce the next DAR meeting at the Crater Lake Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution being held on September 6 at Rogue Valley Genealogical Society Library in Medford, Oregon to kick off the new year. The program for this meeting will be genealogical research. All current and prospective members are encouraged to attend. []
The Daughters of the American Revolution in Crater Lake will also be hosting a display at the Medford Library, at 205 South Central Ave, during the months of September and October. This special display is to commemorate the signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787. Part of the display will include memorabilia and information about the Constitution and the Daughters of the American Revolution.
The National Organization of the Daughters of the American Revolution, have a museum with over 30,000 pre-Industrial Revolution artifacts to choose from for their display, including toys, costumes, furniture, paintings, period rooms, Ceramics and Silver. []
The DAR Museum has several exhibits, Folk Art, Samplers and Needlework, and Artifacts of the Abolitionist Movement and has an amazing collection of American History, the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) are committed to the restoration and maintenance of historical sites. Along with the preservation of genealogical records, artifacts, and historical documents, they are also dedicated to locating, restoring, and marking Revolutionary War patriot grave-sites and headstones.
Not content to concentrate solely on the past, the DAR have been investing in the future since 1903 by helping children in remote mountain areas receive an education that emphasizes responsible citizenship. Two schools in the Appalachian region have their support; the Kate Duncan Smith DAR School of Alabama, and the Tamassee DAR School of South Carolina.
Gayla Mendenhall of adds, "The DAR, having realized the needs of Americas children, and work within communities to provide hope for their futures. At AncestorEbooks, our commitment to preserving our past is important, but the future of our special needs children must be preserved as well. All American citizens deserve the opportunities our great country can provide."
The DAR invest over $1 million dollars annually to support dedicated to serving the special needs of children from Massachusetts to Oklahoma. Programs such as Attention Deficit Disorder, Dyslexia, Adult Literacy and Children and Family in Crisis; and individualized programs especially created to satisfy the needs of their students. []
In their commitment to Historic Preservation and Restoration, the DAR National Society has partially funded many memorials and monuments. Such Monuments as the World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C., the Women in Military Service Memorial in Arlington, Va., monuments of George Washington's mother, Washington and Lafayette, the martyrs of a British Prison Ship, and a series "Madonna of the Trail" monuments which commemorate the lives & sacrifices of pioneer woman.
The DAR have contributed to the restoration of Independence Hall in Philadelphia and the Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island in New York. In response to the drought conditions of the 1930s, the DAR planted hundreds of thousands of trees in a reforestation project for the U.S. Forestry Service, on public and private lands from New Hampshire to Oregon. []
The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution have 175,000 members in 3,000 chapters worldwide that have volunteered over 250,000 hours annually to veteran patients alone and have awarded thousands of dollars in scholarships.
"The members of the Daughters of the American Revolution take pride in their family heritage and have managed to incorporate good works into this organization of women. They are proud of their lineage, and work to help others to be proud as well," says Gayla Mendenhall of AncestorEbooks.
The DAR are especially dedicated to the preservation of family history,” states Cristina Besendorfer, owner and designer of ‘Women, 18 years old or older, regardless of race, religion, or ethnic background, who can prove lineal descent from a patriot of the American Revolution are Eligible to become members of the DAR.’
“These proofs of lineal descent are preserved, along with Civil War Artifacts, in a building, ‘Encompassing an entire downtown city block. The DAR National Headquarters houses one of the nation's premier genealogical libraries, one of the foremost collections of pre-industrial American decorative arts, Washington's largest concert hall, and an extensive collection of early American manuscripts and imprints.’
“ is dedicated to the preserving & sharing of family history,” continues Cristina Besendorfer. “And we are honored to write about this amazing group of dedicated women who are committed to the preservation of our American Heritage, The Daughters of the American Revolution.”