I've talked before about organization and keeping track of information. Whether it is physical documents in manilla folders, 3 ring binders with dividers, or filing in a computer's hard drive, you still need to organize your information. Here are a few helpful hints on how to organize best:
1) Organize as you go. Don't throw everything in a bureau drawer thinking that you'll get around to filing someday. It never happens.
2) Know your organization system. Whether it is one family per folder or by date, know how you are keeping everything divided.
3) Make copies of documents that fit into more than one group (think cluster research) or color code the folder with stickers so you can remember with which towns/families the document refers.
4) Research the easiest information first.
5) Over filing isn't necessarily bad. Consider having the same document photocopied and filed by family group, date, type of document (eg. birth/death/marriage certificates, deeds, etc)
Being organized will save you from searching for the same document more than once.