235 years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence (www.ushistory.org/declaration/document/) our country is still considred a very young country. We've had our trial and tribulations; our country has endured Civil War, World Wars, Terrorism, a Great Depression,and cultural changes.
Our country isn' perfect,but we have gon from 13 colonies fighting oe of the super powers to becoming the super power of the world fighting to preserve freedoms around the wold through education and commerce.
With truth and righteousness as their guide our founding fathers worked to provide us with a constitution (nd strength of Spirit) that has spanned our continent and spread across the world pulling countries out of the dark ages of human degradation. We work to provide help and salvation to numeral countries during their times of horror and hardship,tsunamis and earthquakes, not just as a country,but through donations and volunteerim we reach out as a people.
We have banded together n times of sorrows and hardships supporting one another and vowing to stand for liberty and truth no matter where we are. The image of our flag has always lifted us up, from the Rosenthal picture of the flag raising on Iwo Jima, to the flag hanging from the remains of the twin towers, even tothe flags that flew from the deolished homes after the F5 tornado that swept through Joplin,Missouri.
We are the Unied States of America and the world is a much better place because of the truths we hold dear. Wars and Presidents will come and go, but this people will continue to stand for truth and the American Way, to overcome the ignorance of our own countrymen and prevail in our fight against evil. We are Americans and we will stand proudly shoulder to shoulder with all her defenders!